Wahhabist Extremists
Wahhabist extremists have a particular set of beliefs that make them distinct from other terrorist groups in Europe. In Europe, Wahhabists have committed mass casualty attacks with the help of
foreign fighters in Syria. Between 2011 and 2016 over 5,000 European Muslims went to fight in Syria; about five times more than the number that went to anywhere else to join a terrorist group.
In 2016, 135 people were killed in ISIS attacks in the EU. In total 13 terrorist attacks were reported: France 5, Belgium 4 and Germany 4. Out of these 13 attacks, 10 were completed. Close to 720 individuals were arrested as suspects with ties to ISIS or similar groups21. Attacks by 20 European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (2017) 21 European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (2017)
These groups are against the West, and will continue to pose a threat to the stability of the region. The attacks in Brussels, Nice and Berlin in particular, with explosives (Brussels) and vehicles (Nice and Berlin) were used to randomly kill and wound as many people as possible. This again demonstrates the harm that Wahhabists are able and willing to inflict upon EU citizens