January 17th 2017
On January 17, the Permanent Missions of the United States and Canada to the United Nations, the Permanent Observer Mission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to the United Nations, and the European Union Delegation to the United Nations jointly hosted the High- Level Forum on Combating Anti-Muslim Discrimination and Hatred.
Director of Freemuslim Association Inc., MujtabaAkhwand attended this high level forum alongside with more than hundred activists, and human rights with the hope of gathering all tools possible to combat Anti-Muslim discrimination, nationally and internationally.
The day-long event at the United Nations examines the rise of anti-Muslim discrimination and hatred globally from the perspective of governmental, nongovernmental, and private sector representatives. It will also focus on best practices to combat anti-Muslim discrimination and highlight strategies that promote positive narratives of pluralism. Forum participants will provide recommendations on effective responses by all sectors of society to address the continued challenge of all forms of discrimination and hatred on the basis of religion or belief in all parts of the world.
UN Secretary-General AntónioGuterres offered a video message to open the Forum. U.S. Special Envoy to Muslim Communities ShaarikZafar, Acting U.S. Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation ArsalanSuleman, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom David Saperstein, and U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Michele Sison also participated in the High Level Forum and offer remarks.
This high-level forum highlightedthe growing challengesof anti-Muslim discrimination and hatred in various contexts,and focus on substantive tools for addressing them.
Threeinteractive panels considered important and complementary tools to combat anti-Muslim discrimination and hatred inanti-discrimination law enforcement,civil society coalition-building andpositivenarratives to promote pluralism and inclusion.
Panelists include government, civil society,and private sector representatives.
Theyassessed the scope of rising anti-Muslim discriminationand hatredworldwide,compare government and private sector responses, share bestpractices, and provide concrete recommendations for combating anti-Muslim discriminationand hatred
Mr. Akhwand reiterates; Muslims around the world have the opportunity to reverse the hateful acts of violence by Daesh or other terrorist groups by promoting peaceful aspects of Islamic ideology, and standing for rights of all individuals regardless of skin color, faith, or believe, as we all human being were created equal.