On 18 December each year, the International Migrants Day is observed in many countries to express their solidarity with the cases of groups and individuals who have been forced to emigrate from their homelands to new citizens in search of a decent life that is free from danger and miserable existence.
On 19 September 2016, the UN General Assembly, during its first-ever summit, has adopted a set of commitments on the large movements of refugees and migrants to enhance the protection of migrants and refugees.
These commitments are known as the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (NY Declaration). The NY Declaration reaffirms the importance of the international refugee protection regime and represents a commitment by the Member States to strengthen and enhance the protection mechanisms for people on the move.
It also paves the way for the adoption of two new global compacts in 2018: the global compact for refugees and the global compact for safe, organized and regular migration.
we stands in solidarity with the international principles adopted in this regard, it strongly protests against some international policies that impede migrants’ access to their destination and places many barriers that affect their safety in their endeavor that is guaranteed by international law as an inviolable human right.
Thousands of migrants are still facing arbitrary actions by some western countries, and others are suffering from legislation that prevents their resettlement, in addition to the risk of deportation or segregation which pose a disturbing threat to them.
The Association calls upon the international community, especially the democratic countries, to review some of the laws and procedures whose contents violate the human rights of migrants and drive many of them into despair, frustration, and deterioration in their living conditions, especially after segregating them from their communities and not enabling them to integrate into their countries. The Association believes that this is as an erosion of the New York Declaration and its resulting human rights agreements.
The Association cannot fail to call upon the governments of major powers to review their policies towards the migrants’ countries and to push for reforming their internal affairs, especially with regard to democracy, economy, environment, and climate, since those factors are the leading causes of the mass migrations in the world.