December 18th marks the internationally recognized Day of Migrants. Migration is an unavoidable consequence of wars and unrest, and the world has seen many recent unrests. Millions of people have been displaced due to conflict in all corners of the world, and it is up to the international community to facilitate ease of movement and help with the survival of these individuals.
Becoming displaced due to intra-country or inter-country conflicts is not the most sought after choice for people, and to think it is not the burden for the international community to uplift is a huge mistake.
The international community has agreed upon many international laws and mutually beneficial rules and regulations between countries. It is the duty of all involved parties to adhere to those rules and regulations. Rights of Migrants and recognizing our collective responsibilities towards them are a key factor in addressing their needs.
Culture shock, language barrier, ethnicity difference, and cultural backgrounds are some of challenges every migrant faces. That is in addition to the loss of a
loved one, or being displaced from your home, neighborhood and city.
We ask the international community to step up in their efforts to ease this difficult transition for people who did not choose the circumstances that was bestowed upon them.